Sunday, July 8, 2012

Exterminate non-comformity!!!

Alright, so here's the deal. I'm not a huge blogger, and pretty much have a hard time committing to things like general. BUUUUUT, a lot of you lovely people have supported me financially for this trip and deserve to know how it's going. So I'm going to update this travel blog as regularly as I can during my time in France. Still trying to secure a laptop for the trip, but push comes to shove, I'll borrow Dad's crappy one.

So yeah, for those of you who for some reason I didn't make aware (or who forgot...lookin at you J-wag), I AM GOING TO FRANCE! Last January, I was cast in JMU's production of A Servant of Two Masters as the principle character, Silvio.

I look so good!

Our director was a man they hired from France named Jean Pétrement who runs a company in France called Theatre Bacchus. Part of his deal was that he would direct the play if he could take it to the Festival d'Avingon (one of the biggest theatre festivals in Europe)!!! So the theatre department raised the funds and made it happen! 

Today I will spend the day packing and getting all of my ducks in a row (things like buying power converters, getting a garment bag, etc.) The next two days we will make final preparations for France and re-mount the show!

Like this, except with less drinking...actually scratch that..just like this!

So thank you for all of your support! Those of you who donated money (especially my parents who gave more than I hoped they would have to...including, ya know, LIFE), this travel blog is for you so that you can see pictures and be assured that I am not dead in some French ditch. Please wish us many broken legs, and send lots of prayers up to the Big Fella (for strength, energy, blessings, discipline, perseverance, safety, and growth). Bon Voyage everybody!

The Servant of Two Masters cast

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